Handling iframes

What is Iframe?
An inline frame is used to embed another webpage within the current webpage. The IFrame is often used to insert content from another source, such as an advertisement, into a Web page.

Iframe looks as below.

Handling Iframes in Selenium

Let's consider the following HTML source code of the webpage that has an iframe 

Handling Iframes in Selenium

In the above html snapshot there is an iframe embed into an another iframe. And We have to select the outer Iframe to go to inner Iframe and write in the body.

Next We have to come out from the inner iframe to outer iframe and click on OK button

Directly accessing the above elements is not possible. iframes has its own DOM elements and we have to switch to that particular frame and then we can perform any actions.

Select the frame 1

Select the frame2

Switching back to the parent window
driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); // you are now outside both frames

Handling Iframes in Selenium

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