Jenkins introduction

What is Jenkins?
Jenkins is a open source continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) application. You can integrate Jenkins with a number of testing and deployment technologies. In this tutorial, I will explain how you can use Jenkins to test your software projects continuously.

Jenkins with selenium

Why we use Jenkins in Selenium?
  • Whenever any code changes occurs in your application, new build is created and deployed on new environment and it is tested using selenium
  • You can schedule your tests to run at specific time.
  • You can save the execution history and Test Reports.
  • Jenkins supports Maven for building and testing a project in continuous integration.
Jenkins with selenium

How to install Jenkins?

Step 1: Open web browser and then Navigate to following URL  (this is the official website of Jenkins).

Download the latest version of jenkins.war.

Step 2: Create a folder with name 'Jenkins' in your C: directory and move the downloaded jenkins.war in it.

Step 3: Type cmd in Run to open command prompt and navigate to C:\Jenkins

Step 4: Execute 'java -jar Jenkins.war' command and it will start installing Jenkins.
Jenkins with selenium
Step 5: Once Jenkins server is up and running, you will get above success message. Open any browser and type the URL http://localhost:8080 
Jenkins with selenium
Step 6: Now Jenkins in up and running, now we have to configure Jenkins so that we can execute our test case via Jenkins.
Jenkins with selenium
Step 7: Once Jenkins is running, we need to configure Jenkins so that Jenkins can identify other tools as well like Java, Maven etc. 

Click on > Manage Jenkins and Click on Configure System.
Jenkins with selenium
Navigate to JDK section and click on 'Add JDK' button. Specify JDK name and installation path.

Uncheck Install automatically check box so Jenkins will only take java which we have mentioned above.
Jenkins with selenium
Once done click on save and apply.
Your Jenkins is configured now. 

In next chapters, we will see step by step learning of Jenkins configuration.

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  1. Thank you Vinod for sharing this information.

  2. stated learning Jenkin now as got the correct and easy to understandable resource now :)
