Configure Selenium webdriver on your machine

Configure selenium webdriver on your machine

Step 1 - Install Java and Eclipse

Step 2 - Download the Selenium jars

Download the Selenium Standalone Server jar from here.

Configure Selenium webdriver on your machine

Create a folder 'lib' in your eclipse project and move Selenium Server in it.


Now we have to add selenium-server-standalone jar into Java build path. Please refer the following steps
  1. Right-click on the Project "HelloWorld" and select Properties.
  2. On the Properties dialog, click on "Java Build Path".
  3. Click on the Libraries tab, and then
  4. Click on "Add External JARs..."
When you click on "Add External JARs.." It will open a pop-up window. Select the JAR file and click on Apply and OK.

We are done importing Selenium libraries into our project.

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